In 2019, the Petersen debuted Building An Electric Future, an exhibit presented by and in collaboration with Volkswagen. The exhibit focused on the company’s re-structure of focusing on electric vehicles as well as hybrids.
I had the idea to represent Volkswagen’s starting point by illustrating the title as an electrical grid.
I had the idea to represent Volkswagen’s starting point by illustrating the title as an electrical grid.
To understand what this would entail, I searched for an electrical wiring diagram of a Volkswagen vehicle for a reference, and asked my husband (a mechanic) for further pointers. Like the diagram, I designed the grid to start at ground (battery-ground, not the physical ground) and grow to reveal the main title allowing for the illustration to have enough accuracy with creative leniencies to achieve the final look.
Below: Exhibit ad for LA Weekly.

Below: Final exhibit brand design seen on printed event sign.

Below: Exhibit scrim featuring title design.